Saturday, April 29, 2006


Wow hahas i'm blogging from the changi
international airport. Yeah hahas stine and
terry watching man u and chelsea and the
rest is using coms..

Hahas good news for me, someone just told
me there aren't sharks in melbourne,
hahahs and there is a sailing shop at where
we'll be sailing.

Ok now i'm feeling rather excited hahas
yesterday i was like you know-normal.
Dawn told me, 40 knots of wind expected
on tuesday and wednesday, luckily we
brought soccer ball along

I got a feeling this is gonna be one of the best
trips i've had.

- i know you stared at me


Hahahs 6.13 now i'm still at home and if
i dont return back safely on 7 may i think
you guys most probably know why.

1. Not becos of the hot bu's in australia if there's any

2. Not because i decided to stay there cos obviously
its a much nicer place there.

Hahas i think i've been blogging consistently
for the past week. Hmm tts really good i guess
hahas got to go now, alright Tim i'll take some
pictures of hot bu's there. Alright, guys dont
hate me and girls dont miss me.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Things i want to do before i hit 30 years old

1. Buy a Musto or Helly hansen drysuit

2. Win Youth worlds and all tt.. blah blah

3. Go diving , with sharks

4. Bungee jumping

5. Holiday in Phuket alone

6. Go backpacking in Europe

7. Driving/powerboat license

8. Go clubbing when i hit the legal age

9. Surfing

10. Touch snow

11. Sail 470

12. Holiday in Perth

13. Try coaching for a while

14. Try air steward-ing for a while

15. Be pro in any computer game

16. Sail in the volvo ocean race

17. Hear my grand children call me ah gong- ya right!


Hahas, its damn weird i suck at warcraft

i admit, i play it just to kill time and socialise.

Played a game with a american just, hahas

pretty cool got to know each other's life

in 45 mins. His name is Dan, not Daniel

but just Dan, he is 18 years old, schooling

three times a week and working 4 times

a week. No family surviving on his own

really independent i must say, hahas

and he has a date tomorrow with a girl

he liked for three months now.

Wish him the best of luck.. "

Enough said about him, lets talk about

my interesting life. I learn a new word

today, Homies and amigo learn it from

tt chap. Homies is bro and amigo is friend.

Okay thats all for intersting life.

Notice the yellow?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Its been a damn sian week for me as you know all the
sports school people are on holiday and the rest got

mid years or something. Freaking boring!, haiz somemore
we unrig the boat for melbourne already tt means only

gym yesterday today tmro friday and saturday.
How exciting! to top it off Vivien will be taking us.(O YEAH)

I tried to kill time yesterday by watching Korean drama
bloody korean shows so darn slow one i manage to watch 4 disc

8 hours that is, slept at 4 and woke up at 2 today. Then it started
to storm hah! i actually wanted to cycle to nsc so i took a cab down.

I think cycling to nsc is still the best/cheapest, firstly can train my
thigh and secondly i dont even need to spend anyway money.

But its quite dangerous even though i'm a pretty average cyclist
tt once in a long while gets into a silly accident- ya right!

Dinner was damn good today had pizza and subway and having
cup noodles for supper now. Watching dvd now-kill time

Tomorrow gym, must whack already 5kg more then ho liao
Melbourne in two days time and Perak in two weeks time

Life is complicating-

Monday, April 24, 2006


Just checked the forecast for Melbourne and Weymouth
wtf man?!..temperature is 8 -11 degrees. Fark sia
last year perth was 14-18 and i was freezing like siao
already go there gung-ho liao hahas. Dota

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her
She always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles
And wound up at your door
i've had you so many times
but somehow I want more

I don't mind spending everyday
Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved
She will be loved

Saturday, April 22, 2006


What does it mean to you? i really dont know
everyone is using it. It has lost its meaning

She said she was really happy for us
and she'll be cheering for us till the end
and soon tears filled her eyes.

He gave me something which i didn't
really need and all he said was well
done and keep focus.

I thank you people

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Trials is finally over school's in hah'. My body feels bloody tired
but there wasn't any really strong winds the past few days
weird, really.I was a happy guy yesterday but when i woke up today
everything felt like shite really, cos i got three more test to go and
i know tt i failed chinese compre/letter writing badly like a f9 grade?

I've got chinese compo and chem major module test on thusday
physics test was suppose to be today. But i'm at home resting
with an "mc". I'm going back to school tonight and i'm gonna
study for my test cos its hols next week. Hmm its gonna rain
soon time for cycling yay! hahas. The south american team
is back congrats to Gris Sean and the champion Tim

And finally i got something to look foward to, training camp
in melbourne muahaha its either 29 april to 7 may or 6 may
to 14 april. I hope its the earlier one cos its right smack after
hols and tt means i get two weeks away from school. Luckily
its not winter there but its spring hah, cold enough.

Alright, enough sheeting in sails its time to pedal
- vollebak

Thursday, April 13, 2006

goodbye for now

Watched Take the lead or something like tt just now.
Its kinda weird watching a movie by yourself hahas
i must say it was a fantastic movie, all the dance moves
so cool and the ending was fine. Today was fine sailing.

For all the aunties and uncles
For all the friends who wished me luck
For all the support my family gave me
For all the tonics my granny brewed for me

Its time to vollebak- full gas

To the angpaos who think 167cm isn't tall enough
for a 420 crew-shite you.

Be brave and fight like hell
-Lance armstrong

Sunday, April 09, 2006

please pump

Yawns going back to school tonight dammit got chem quiz
on wed i think. No more chonging of gym already. Friday's
coming soon yes, im nervous/excited/happy/scared or
whatever i'm still gonna sail my best. Dont msg/call
me for the next 8 days unless impt becos i wont reply.
I'm tired but yes i'm gonna focus, im not gonna bring
my laptop to sch so tt means no blogging.

Even though the red has torn i will still go on.
No matter how tired my arms are limpei is
still gonna pump like a fucking machine.

After all tts what all the chonging in gym
was for right?

Thursday, April 06, 2006


5ft 3
purple eyes
long hair
brown on black
2-3 second stun

Went to kk hospital today you know what i hate
about doctors? they make my asthma sound
so bad. I gotta do lung test(again) and skin test
on monday in some lab at kk. After today i got
a new inhaler, how do i use it?

hahas not through the mouth but the NOSE!!!!
When the doctor told me tt i was like KNN!
i think my parents heard it.

Questions i asked myself in the dogtors room
1. Why me?!

2. When will the asthma go away?

3. Does having asthma mean a shorter life?

4. Can i dont do the nose thing?

5. When will the doctor finish talking( I'm waiting for my macs!)

You help me answer them

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Nth much today, went rock climbing took alot of pics but i cant
seem to upload them cos i used joanne's camera to take them
and its a 6 mega pixel one you see, so the size is too big. Hahas
we had a friendly challenge and my team( val, benita scott)
finished third hahas then we had individual and i won hehe.
Tmro gym= cheong. nights

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


It stormed again, today on a average there were 13
lightnings in a min.I timed, went gym and did 10 sets
of 200m rowing, average 40 seconds. Not tt bad i think, 1038
now. sleeping time. Ole

Monday, April 03, 2006


Woo! just had dinner hahas gym was good, went all out again.
Why is it raining everyday? hahas its always good to start your
day off with some rain. No homework today so shiok so im sleeping
early tonight. tcare all!

-Dont say tt you're not good, say tt you'll try harder

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Had some great sailing today the wind was around 12-15 knots?
started off with some long upwind heh heh, the wind was crazy man
stine and i whack like siao man. Poor stine he has to play main cos
-crew- is only 55.3kg while the rest of them are like 60 plus. But
we manage to sail in front still, then downwind was uber shiok,
the both of us pump like mad dog uh. Soon after, the wind
shifted like siao then we had two races.Started storming
heh heh the lightning was so scary i saw one tt lasted 2 seconds
at least. Lowell jiao lian and stine -nearly- got struck
by lightning hah.Terribly tired now. I ask myself is
all the pushing in gym and on water worth it?
I'll know in 11 days time. Sleep is important
so i'm sleeping now. gdnight

-let my efforts pay off


The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad
Your vows of silence fall all over
The look in your eyes makes me crazy
I feel the darkness break upon her
I'll take you over if you let me

Saturday, April 01, 2006

who's david

Small fleeting racing today everything was so rush man
up spin gybe gybe gybe then down spin tack tack tack.
Then parents came to pick me up from nsc and went to
cousins place. Had fish steamboat, whack like siao
came home and had a game of dota with joshua.Tmro trng,
must whack like siao. I'm super tired man nights everybody'